Symbolism Analysis

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What is Symbolism

Symbolism is the use of symbols to signify ideas and qualities, by giving them symbolic meanings that are different from their literal sense.


Draw a depiction of a symbol used in the book. It can be that of a ring, a special tree, or a descriptive looking symbol used in a magical spell. Whatever it is, draw the symbol.

Note: I strongly urge you to either use a program like gimp, Photoshop, or some other art program. However if you hand draw the symbol, you must upload it to your document.

Write a one page essay analyzing the importance of the symbol. What is the symbol? Why is it symbolic? Why is it important to the story? Give specific evidence from the book to support your analysis.  Be sure to introduce the book!


  • Introduce the book and author
  • Drawing of the symbol
  • 2 in-text citations/quotes
  • 3-5 paragraphs
  • Book is referenced on the Reference Page