
Note: These are examples from students. They are not all perfect. Some did not get full points. Names have been omitted for privacy reasons.


Character Cell Phone
A brief look Who’s on it? Who texted them? You decide!at the Author.

Create Memes that reflect your response to parts of the book.

Character Obituary
How would you write a character’s Obituary?

Twitter Wars
If the Protagonist and Antagonist tweet each other, what would they tweet? And how would they respond?

Book Cover Design
Don’t just judge a book by its cover, design the cover!


Author’s Corner
A brief look at the Author.

It Its Time
A brief look at the time period the book was written and how it has helped shaped society.

Where in the World
A brief look at the setting the book takes place in compared to our world.

Blast from the Past
A brief look at the time period the book was set in.

The Future is Ours
A brief look at the technology in the book, and where we are today.

Literary Analysis

Note: due to legal and privacy concerns, Text Talk videos will not be given as examples. Please refer to the example given on it’s own page.

Analyze four key characters of the book

Character analysis of the book

Draw and analyze at least one symbol in the book.

The Book

Plot Tent
Building a plot tent!

Spoil the book! Really, spoil it so others don’t have to read.

Do you have what it takes to summarize the article in a click-bait article?

Timeline the events of the book.

Book Review
Give it your best review and rate the book!