The Magician: The Secrets of the Immortal

Reference; The Magician: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel 

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By Sydney Draney

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The Magician By Michael Scott is a wonderful book that expresses the fullness of all magical essence. One of Harry Potter’s biggest competitors. 

“The best lie is wrapped around a core of truth.” -Michael Scott, The Magician 

This quote is a great example of this article. The Magician is a great book, but you are probably wasting your time reading this. It’s just for a school assignment, you can’t actually learn how to use magic. Right? No, you can’t. I think. It’s fine just keep reading to find out?

“And in their rush to create wonders, they have ignored the wonders all around them, ignored the mysteries, the beauty.” -Michael Scott, The Magician 

This is one of the many inspiring messages that this book has to offer. There are many different types of themes throughout this book but one of the main ones is to be ready. To be ready for anything. And I mean anything. Image result for ad for shoes

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A summary of the book would start with the main characters taking a lei gate to the center of Paris, and it would end with them running from stone statues that attacked them from a giant cathedral. The main character Josh, has yet to be awakened and becomes jealous of his sister. Meanwhile, He is also losing trust faster and faster with the Alchemist Nicholas. Image result for pokemon

Sophie, Josh’s sister, learns the magic of fire and uses it for the first time in battle. The heros’ notice her immense power and Josh’s potential. Josh is armed with the cursed weapon the Clarent. He seems to yearn for power more and more throughout this book. 

At the end of the book Scathath is kidnapped and the city of paris is damaged from Nidhogg’s destruction. Josh gets his powers awakened by Mars, and Mars gives Josh a gift. We don’t know what he did to Josh, but we do know that there is no asking, because Mars sank into the earth, when Nicholas used a transmutation spell. 

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