The Way of the Kings

Note: This essay was written based off a sci-fi novel. However, the research was well developed and shows creativity in how the essay fit the category of “Where in the World.”

Roshar is a planet in the Rosharan system, a part of the universe Brandon Sanderson
created to house his novels, called the cosmere. The planet is first introduced in The Way of Kings. The continent, the only one and called the same as the planet, is roughly oval in shape, and has its own unique ecology. It frequently experiences what are called highstorms, which is slightly self explanatory. Highstorms are large thunderstorms which rush along the continent, created and managed by the Stormfather. They are led by the stormwall, a seemingly solid mass of rain, wind, and lightning that acts as the entrance to the highstorm. These storms are very dangerous, being out in one is fatal, though there are exceptions. Highstorms are the biggest part of Roshar, affecting
every part of the ecosystem and the culture. The plant and animal life is shaped to withstand the highstorms, which would destroy any plant life you might find on Earth. An article about Roshar reads this, “However, the most visually notable feature of Rosharan ecology is the way a vast majority of them adapted to highstorms.” (Coppermind, 2019) The only place on the planet not affected by highstorms in Shinovar, which is protected by a large and wide mountain range that successfully buffets the oncoming winds and stormwall. In Shinovar, human, plant, and animal life
appears to be much the same as that on Earth. The article has this to say on the matter, “Shinovar is the only place on Roshar that has soil.”(Coppermind, 2019) Roshar has three moons, and another article on the topic says this, “Roshar has three moons – Salas, Nomon and Mishim, each of which waxes and wanes separately from the other.”(Stormlight Archive Fandom, 2019)

There are no set seasons on Roshar, they change randomly and only last a couple of weeks. However, the seasons, winter, fall, summer, and spring, act much like the seasons here on Earth. A large part of the natural world on Roshar is dominated by spren. Spren are inhabitants of the Cognitive Realm, but can manifest themselves partially or fully in the Physical Realm. They are classified into two groups, emotionspren and elementalspren. These categories are split into many different species, for lack of a better word. Examples of emotionspren are fearspren, angerspren,
gloryspren, and painspren. Examples of elementalspren are flamespren, ashspren, coldspren, and gravitationspren. These spren can form bonds with humans and other animals on the continent of Roshar, creating a wide variety of interesting phenomena. Some of these things include the Knights Radiant, the majestic warriors of an elder epoch. Some of the bonds spren make with animals result in a higher intelligence, a greater understanding of human beings, and an alleviation of weight. This alleviation of weight is needed in most cases, because as the spren bond the animal, they
lighten its weight, allowing it to be able to support itself and stay intact. These beasts are generally too heavy to not crush themselves with their own weight.

Roshar is similar to Earth in only a few ways. One is humans, both reside on the face of the planet, are the driving force behind the dealings there, and are, in most cases, the most intelligent beings on the face of the planet. Another is the way the culture and economy is similar. They both have forms of currency, and their cultures are similar in ways that I do not understand, but feel. However, they are different in many ways. As you have seen, the weather is very different on Roshar, as compared to our planet. The highstorms are a phenomenon that has never happened here on Earth. Some of the animals are different as well. There are enormous beasts called greatshells, which can grow to the size of an island, and that is no exaggeration. These greatshells are the ones that make up the Reshi Isles. Beasts of this size are not found on Earth. Some of the
flora and fauna found on Roshar is different as well. Roshar’s plant life has adapted to survive the desert-like conditions and the frequent highstorms. This has caused some interesting things to happen, but all can be generalized into one thing. This thing is as follows: the plant life on Roshar retreats into a shell or protective covering to hide from the highstorms, and has water gathering portions of the plant to gather the leftover water thereafter. Earth has nothing like this. The most Earth-like place on Roshar would be Shinovar, and as not much information is provided about the country, we do not know how far those similarities reach. These are descriptions of Roshar, the
inhabitants, and some of the more important aspects of the continent and planet. Included are some comparisons to Earth and its ecosystem, ecology, and important aspects.